Standard Toolbox

The standard toolbox is a collection of icons for commands that are frequently used while editing documents.

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Standard toolbox icon description

Icons Name Comment
Save Save the active file.
Format Painter Easily copy the formatting of the selected cell to another location such as the font or border.
Clear Clear all formatting in the selected area.
  • Clear All: Delete all data and formatting for the selected cell.
  • Clear Formats: Delete only the formatting of the selected cell and leaves its content.
  • Clear Contents: Delete only the content of the selected cell and leaves its formatting.
Find Find a specific text or content in the document you are editing, or replace it with others.
  • Find/Replace: Open the Find/Replace dialog box to find content in the document you are editing, or replace it with others.
  • Go To: Open the Go To dialog box to go to a desired cell.
Shapes Insert a shape.
Image Open and insert a picture file.
Chart Insert a chart.
Memo Insert a new memo into the cell.
Hyperlink Insert a hyperlink to the selected cell.
Symbol Enter symbols or characters that are difficult to type with the keyboard.
Conditional Formatting Set the specified format to apply when the conditions are met. Conditional Formatting makes it easy to identify data by highlighting cells or ranges of cells that meet certain conditions.
  • Highlight Cells Rules: Highlight a cell that meets the condition.
  • Top/Bottom Rules: Use for a statistical condition in relation to other values.
  • Data Bars: Use for a value comparison using gradient-filled horizontal bars in different length.
  • Color Scales: Specify a range of numeric data to highlight items that meet certain conditions in various shades selected in the list.
  • Icon Sets: Use to rank the cell contents into 3 to 5 categories.
  • Clear Rules: You can clear conditional formatting from cells or worksheet.
  • Rules Management: Change or delete rules.
Function Use the Function Wizard to select and insert a function.
AutoSum Perform frequently used sum-related functions with simple procedures. You can get the mean, total, number, maximum, and minimum.
  • Sum: Get the sum of the selected ranges.
  • Average: Get the average of the selected ranges.
  • Count: Get the count of the selected ranges.
  • Max: Get the maximum value of the selected ranges.
  • Min: Get the minimum value of the selected ranges.
  • More Functions: In the Function dialog box, select various functions to calculate.
Name Specify a name for the selected cell.
  • Define Name: Open the [Define Name] dialog box.
  • Name Manager: Open the [Name Manager] dialog box.
  • Use in Formula: If you select the name you defined in the list, the value in the area you defined by the name is entered in the formula.
  • Create from Selection: This feature allows you to define a name for the selection with the data in the selection. The name must start with a letter, underscore, or backslash, and the name cannot contain spaces or other symbolic characters.
Filter Set up a filter so that you can find the data by condition.
  • Sort A to Z: Sort the data in ascending order.
  • Sort Z to A: Sort the data in descending order.
  • Filter: Set up a filter so that you can find the data by condition.
PivotTable Crea a pivot table.
Table Apply a table format to the selected area.
Sparklines Display data in rows and columns as a chart of simple patterns within a cell.
  • Line: Create a line sparkline.
  • Column: Create a column sparkline.
  • Win/Loss: Create a win/loss sparkline.
Text to Columns Divide text entered in one cell into multiple cells.
Combine Text Combine text entered in multiple cells into one cell.
Freeze Panes Set fixed pane in a row or column based on the selected cell.
  • Freeze Top Row: Set fixed pane to the first row regardless of the position of the selected cell.
  • Freeze First Column: Set fixed pane to the first column regardless of the position of the selected cell.
  • Freeze Panes: Set fixed pane in the upper and left rows and columns directions based on the selected cells.
  • Unfreeze Panes: Unfreeze pane set in the current worksheet.
Task Pane Show the task pane on the fight side of the screen.

See Also